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**Sponsorships Available, but Limited**
2022 Contest Results
Heavy Hog - 344.5 #'s
3 Hog Stringer - 924.6 #'s

Longest Cutter
3 3/8 in.

Side Pot - Closest to 255 #'s
256.4 #'s

March 26 - 27, 2022
6:00 a.m. Start Time - NO EARLY STARTS!
Late fee starts Wed. March 23
ALL Sign-Ups Shut Off 6:00 a.m. Saturday, March 26th!
$200 Entry for 2 team members (min) - Additional $100 per teammate after 2 (4 max)
25% of Total Entries per Pot
2nd Place Pot - T.B.D.
Side Pots - Winner Takes All!

This can be a Boar or Sow, but the Boar must have nuts!

The cutter measurement is taken from the bottom jaw only.
Only one cutter will be measured for total length!

The total weight of your 3 heaviest hogs!
SIDE POT ($25)
Closest Hog to 255 pounds even (1st to weigh exact wins pot)

- BUCKLES will be awarded to teams that place
- $200 per Team (extra $100/team member up to 4 Total)
- Polygraph will be given to those that place.
- Read the rules and know the weigh-in location!
- No refunds after contest starts!
Yes! We are doing another giveaway for everyone who enters the 24 Hour Hog Contest.
Just by entering, each member of a team will have their name in the raffle drawing.
Items will be added as the sign ups continue.
Icehole Coolers is offering a 15% Discount throughout their website (Click HERE) through April 30th!
Just enter HOG24 during checkout!
For Extra Entries Into The Giveaway...

Buy a 24 Hour Hog Contest Shirt or Hoodie!
*Shirts Available in 3 Colors*

THG Headquarters
458 County Road 3225, Bridgeport, TX 76426
Home of Tres Poynor
Phone: 817-805-0218
You must be at the weigh-in between 9:00am and 1:00pm, Sunday, March 27th to qualify for the contest. If you do not show, there is no excuse, no phone call will save you. Your hogs will not be weighed and you will forfeit your chance at winning the contest.
Please do not sign up late. All sign ups will shut off at 6:00 a.m. Saturday, March 26th, 2022 (The Day the Contest Starts)!
Trey Hawkins
Tres Poynor
War Horse Weapons
2812 W. US 380,
Decatur, TX 76234
- The contest is open to the entire State of Texas and Oklahoma and hunting hogs only in Texas and Oklahoma.
- The Contest starts Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 6:00 a.m.– NO EARLY STARTS! (Can't pull trigger till 6 a.m.)
- You can win all 3 pots – 1st Place per category pays 25% of total entries for each pot! 2nd Place per category - T.B.D.
- 4 Man Team Maximum – No Trapping! No Hog Dogs! No Helicopter Hunts! No High Fence! Must be hunted from the ground (tree stands and box blinds up high are ok) in regulation with TPWD. No hunting with other teams! Feeders are allowed!
- No High Fence, No Hog Proof Fence - Don't care how much land there is!
- Hogs are weighed as a whole (do NOT gut/clean them).
- No pooling of hogs! Your team must kill their own hogs, no one else!
- No soliciting of hogs! Solicit land for hogs, but do not solicit for big hogs, please.
- You can hunt past the 24 hour period as long as you make it to the weigh-in!
- Weigh-In is at THG Headquarters – The home of Tres Poynor, 458 County Road 3225, Bridgeport, TX 76426. You can weigh your hogs between 9a.m. – 1p.m. Sunday, March 27th (4 hour time slot, but possibly longer if there’s a line of teams that made it in time).
- For the purpose of this hunt, hogs are defined to be feral, free ranging, wild hogs which have not been previously held, trapped, pen raised, and released for the purpose of being hunted in this contest and must not have been hunted from a hog proof fence. They must have the characteristics of a wild hog.
- All Hogs Must Be DEAD in ordered to be weighed or measured!
- Teams may be split up into 2 groups, but no more than that.
- NO Barred Hogs! No Exceptions! (Must have both nuts if a boar)
- Any contestant found to be cheating or attempting to cheat will cause the disqualification to that contestant and forfeiture of any and all entry fees. Cheating will also cause that contestant to be banned from all future events and names will be given to all other competitions in the Great State of Texas and Oklahoma.
- In the event of a tie, the hog that weighed/measured first will be declared the winner of the tie-breaker.
- You are responsible for the disposal of all wild hogs after they are weighed, unless other disposal means are available at the weigh-in.
- All Federal and State Game Laws must be followed.
- The Hunting Game has the right to dissect any hog that makes the leaderboard during it’s weigh-in to search for any abnormalities that can hurt the integrity of this contest.
- We reserve the right to check/dissect/autopsy your hog! So please don’t cheat.
- All winning contestants will be subject to a random polygraph test. Refusal of polygraph or failure to show up will result in immediate disqualification. No Exceptions!
- Polygraph man will be on site and must be ready to take after contest.
- Fee for polygraph will come out of the winnings.
- A W-9 will be issued to any winners in the contest and must be filled out in order to receive your winnings. You should also expect a Form-1099 before they are due in the mail.
- If a team mate declines to accept winnings and prefers it to go to another team member, then an email will need to be sent to The Hunting Game stating that is your wishes.
- All winnings will be mailed out within 7 days after the contest ends unless we have them readily available.
- *The Hunting Game will have final say so regarding any discrepancies during this contest. We run a clean contest and want to make sure it stays that way.
Winners & Polygraph Rules
- Can our group split up to hunt? Absolutely! but no more than 2 groups for this contest.
- Do we all have to hunt together? No! That is the benefit of having more team members.
- Can someone, not in the contest, be with us while we hunt? Yes, as long as they do not help you hunt in any way.
- Who has to take the polygraph? Not sure... we will decide :)