
August 8, 2013

A Custom Bow – Easier Than it Sounds!

I mentioned in a post earlier this week or last week that I was having a new string put on my wife’s bow and also having […]
August 8, 2013

The Drought is Hurting Us All!

I don’t think about it enough, but the drought here in North Texas is getting bad! For a lot of farmers, ranchers, hunters, and lake residents, […]
August 1, 2013

Things On My Mind!

No news is good news right… not on this website! There sure are alot of giveaways on Facebook.  I can say they actually do give things […]
July 23, 2013

Things On My Mind!

I heard a story last night at Wise County Reunion of a Striper Fishing Guide, I believe on Lake Texhoma, that told some fellow Wise County […]
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