Changes have come to the website! We have updated it to help take the next steps in making it the #1 Hog Contest website in the world. It may not sound like much, but so many of you enjoy these contests and we want to keep it going so here are a couple of things we’ve done:
- New Logos for each of the contests (Seen above)
- A Shop – We actually have our own line of apparel, decals, hats, etc. You can see some of them below. The shirts are not just stand cotton shirts, they are the canvas feel shirts which have an awesome feel and look to them. The hoodies are very warm and will have some different colors coming soon as well (so far just black, tan, dark green, and camo).
- Easy to use sign up forms (This is a big change and is much easier to fill out).
- We label ourselves “The Largest Hog Contest In The World” (Fact – till proven wrong)
- Hunting Photos & Hunting Videos – We have our YouTube Channel added, too. We should have a recap video of the 2021 Wise County Hog Contest on it soon. Make sure to subscribe, especially after our first video is complete.
- We also have some new sponsors in the works that are pretty awesome, so stay tuned for that update.
- Other than that, we hope you like the new site and apparel. Now get signed up for this 24 hour contest coming up