I don’t know how many of you guys or girls have ever duck hunted, but if you never have, you are missing out!!! The video below is the guide service and friend that I guide for here in North Texas. Jason Craig, the owner of DTK has some of the most unbelievable hunts that I have ever been on and it still amazes me how each year the hunts keep getting better and better. We have already seen hundreds of teal in just a couple of hunts and are ready to get back at it again this weekend…
If you are in the look for an awesome waterfowl experience, give him a shout. You can get all his info from his website! DTKwaterfowl.com
The video is actually the preview of a DVD that is in the process of being made as we speak…
[youtube height=”315″ width=”560″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R5dlogvL1k[/youtube]
Here is the Guide video:
[youtube height=”315″ width=”560″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qmqczf8R2s#t=121[/youtube]