- Sometimes, a predator can have a good side! Wiley the Coyote lives in Wisconsin!
- I’m still in shock over the Monster Buck killed here in my home county of Wise. The true measurement was 176 7/8 Gross and 170 1/8 Net! BEAST!!!
- Besides the giveaway on Facebook that is below, my Facebook Page/This Website via Facebook is giving away some Toxic Broadheads if you are interested…
- I think I will start posting some of the other hunting Facebook Pages giveaways to let everyone know there are some pretty cook items out there to win.
- We had roughly 4700 hits yesterday on this website! I actually got a call about advertising, too.
- Here is a review I got from PYRO Custom Bowstrings regarding their advertising (makes me feel good!):
Just wanted to take a moment to tell you what a great response from customers that we have had concerning your website (thehuntinggame.com) Your website has increased our business two fold by advertising on the site. Our business started out as just as a custom string business for today’s compounds. After advertising with the site we have expanded to tuning, setups, sales and just increasing our customer base in general. Thanx again for the chance to be part of a great site.
Hank Morrow
PYRO Custom Bowstrings and Accessories
- Texas A&M is on a $2 Million Mission to bring back the Quail in the Great State of Texas. I have been quail hunting, but to me, the walk was not worth the shot.
- Top 10 greatest things ever heard at a gun shop! #1 is shocking!
- And one state has banned BB Guns and made it where if your kid is convicted you get mandatory jail time… so sad and stupid!
Cupp’d Up Killers – They have an assortment of hunting gear they are giving away on their Facebook Page, including a couple shotguns (pic below).

Sauce for BBQ Venison Courtesy Food.com
- Servings: 10
- Cooktime: 9 hours
- Main Ingredient: Venison
- 5 lbs deer roast
- Sauce:
- 3 cups ketchup
- 3 cups brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon garlic salt
- 3 tablespoons liquid smoke
1. Place roast in crockpot let cook on low for 8 hours or overnight.
2. Let roast cool.
3. Skim off any fat.
4. Shred Roast.
5. In medium sauce pan mix ingredients for Sauce.
6. Bring to Boil.
7. Pour over Meat and Mix through 4
8. Reheat.
*They are also having a giveaway for a $500 Bass Pro Gift Card!*