Our first Weigh-In Sponsor for the North Texas Wild Hog Round Up – Only 2 spots left!
- Just 4 days left in the Wise County Hog Contest! Then onto the Turkey Contest!
- We got our first donation prize sent to us for the NTX Wild Hog Round Up & Hunting Expo from the Burt Coyote Company aka Lumenok! It is all starting to come together…
- One of my advertisers, Rut Country Taxidermy, just posted on his website some new pictures of some of the mounts he has done this season… wow!
- Epic battle between a crocodile and a snake in Australia… Snake won!
- Wild hogs sure do seem to learn things at a young age! Makin’ bacon is one of them!
- For those of us who believe in Concealed Carry, you might want to look at these business cards that are for sale on eBay. They are to be given to businesses that have a “No Guns Allowed” sign in their window or outside their place of business. Zoom into the picture are read what these cards say.
- Speaking of Guns allowed… I like it when a veteran stands up for gun rights! He refuses Gun Registration and tells the State of Connecticut “I Will Not Comply!“
- I’m thinking we may end up reducing the cost for a booth at the hunting expo… we don’t think it’s too high, but we want to ensure a successful turnout!
- Here is our remade page regarding the North Texas Wild Hog Round Up & Hunting Expo.
- The best thing anyone can do to help this site is to share our posts and follow us on Facebook! For those of you that do, we greatly appreciate you!