Massive state, federal, private effort underway to bring paddlefish back to Texas lake
- So, I was just mountain biking along then… WHAMMY! I get charged by a grizz!
- Awesome video of a lion needing to choose its breakfast more wisely… ouch to the lion and the buffalo!
- I just now heard of JiHawg Ammunition! “Jihawg Ammo is certified “Haraam” or unclean. According to the belief system of the radical islamist becoming “unclean” during Jihad will prevent their attaining entrance into heaven. Jihawg Ammo is a natural deterrent to radical and suicidal acts of violence. Our Porcine Coating (Pattern Pending) is infused with the highest quality pork product made right here in America.” – WOW!
- I just found out that a friend got on board with Tom Nelson at Cabela’s and is going to be filming his hunts for their show! I’m going to leave him anonymous, but will let you know when his first hunt comes on T.V. – I couldn’t be more excited for him, awesome guy that I respect a whole lot!
- If you like to fish, especially in Caddo Lake here in Texas, then you are going to enjoy trying for some paddlefish in the near future!
- You have 2 days left in the Wise County Hog Contest and only 21 days left to sign up for the Wise County Turkey Contest!