In recognition of the varmint contests coming up.
- Have you ever shot a 4 (yes that is a 4) gauge shotgun? I don’t think I will ever attempt it after watching this video!
- I’m not one to rant, but I just feel plain sorry for this guy! He has a concealed license and is required by law to tell the officer immediately, but gets cut off numerous times by this officer who is obviously having a bad day! Poor fella! He could have probably took off running and had it a lot easier than what he got.
- Jacksboro Feed Store is putting on another Hog Dog Competition on February 14th if anyone is interested. Here is a link to their Facebook page and I may go to the weigh-in just to see what all comes in!
- Also in the works is another Hog Hunting Competition for this summer. We may do a 2 day hog hunting competition and have a weigh in with a cook out and band! Sounds like fun, hopefully we can get it going and maybe get some responses from some of you. Let me know what you think by either comment or email.
- If you haven’t liked us on Facebook, you should… it’s the little button over to the right of here that says “Like”. We have some crazy hunting videos posted every now and then that people share with us. We also do the occasional giveaway… at 800 likes we will be doing another one! We also share every post from here onto Facebook… makes it easy!
- Who needs dogs to hunt hogs with when you have monkeys?!? That was random…
- The guy who killed Bigfoot will be in San Antonio and Houston in February to show off his prized catch (or kill). “He tows the corpse behind a 40-foot coach in a trailer across the country to show folks just how real Bigfoot is.” – Took a 40 footer to haul him around! Wow!
- Might have another advertiser coming to THG. When we do, make sure to give them some love… you know what I mean!
- Also, Jeff Thomason is hosting his Predator Palooza – Weatherford, Texas Varmint Hunt this next weekend! He is looking for more sponsors and of course they could always use more entries!