
Jimmy Kimmel had a band cancel because the crew from Duck Dynasty was supposed to be on the show as well. The band, Morissey, is a group of vegans and PETA Activists who said they would not perform as long as Duck Dynasty was appearing. So, the crew of Duck Dynasty made them their own product for hunting vegetables.
- A Daniel Defense Superbowl Ad was banned from the Superbowl and Colion Noir RIPS on the NFL for banning it. It was a great commercial, which it shows from the beginning, but will upset most of us southern wild for being banned!
- They had the World’s Champion Duck Calling Contest last weekend. Brad Allen, an Arkansas native from Judsonia won the competition this year on Nov. 31 at the 78th Wings Over the Prairie Festival in Stuttgart, Ark. The Outdoor Channel had an article of his win and his retirement (after 3 Titles you are automatically retired).
- For those of you that do not know what a call competition is like or what you do… here is video of the newly crowned winner from the same competition in 2010. I do not know how the judges can stand listening to that sound for a prolonged period of time. Wow!
- If you are going to swing…swing big!
- Big Buck: 15 Year old shoots youth record 23 point in Madison County, Texas on firearm opening day.
- It is kind of a status of respect among hunters to not point out exactly where a big buck was killed… agree? Well it didn’t take long for someone to share my post on Facebook of the Wise County Monster buck and give the exact location where it was killed. Some people have no idea what they are doing sometimes and have no idea how it can ruin a reputation for themselves…
- Again, I would really like to have this bounty on hogs hit North Texas.
- As many hits as this website is getting, I’m surprised I don’t have more people wanting to advertise on here… kind of shocking to say the least. Had over 1500 on here yesterday which is still on the rise…
Game Warden Sting Operation Videos
- Indiana’s Robo Sting Operation
- Couldn’t help but laugh at this one while a guy walks about 6 yards from the dummy deer and shoots it with a bow. How close do you have to be to be able to tell if it’s a dummy deer? Some people… I wish this one would have been on the Game Warden Field Notes.
- When the going for Poaching gets tough in Africa, they call Protrack! Supposedly the most elite in catching poachers.