Please pass this on to others – Hunters and Non Hunters….
“Macon Boddy, from Henrietta, Texas, was discussing deer population with me last week and told me a major reason the deer population had increased during the past fifty years. Why deer are showing up where they never used to exist. The eradication of screw worms. I talked to several long time deer hunters and they hadn’t heard of this – but understood. passing along this information.
Following is an article on the eradication of screw worms in the south and I think you will find the article interesting. How screw worms were eliminated is amazing. Screw worms were a major problem in cattle production and solving the problem for cattle also helped the deer. The article is fairly long but worth your time to look at the process and the numbers. Now if we can find solutions to help quail populations.”
Also attached is an article on how much deer car wrecks cost the United States.