If I lived anywhere near this house, this lady would have less deer coming to her porch!
If you have not killed Ol’Big yet, you better get after it because Sunday is the last day
HAAA! We had one that big last year entered in the Hog Contest, but doubt very seriously we get one even close to that during the upcoming contest.
Duck Dynasty and Duck Commander make just about anything with their logo on it… from T-Shirts to Floor Mats. You now have the option to own a Duck Commander gun! “The gunmaker Mossberg has teamed with Duck Commander, the company owned by “Duck Dynasty’s” Robertson clan, to release nine different shotguns, as well as two semiautomatic rifles and a semiautomatic pistol.”
Here is an update on the Game Warden shooting from a couple of days ago. 2 men arrested!
For the featured picture of the day… The hog cutting the coon – I can’t decide which one I hate more!?!
We have already had 5 teams sign up for the Wise County Hog Contest, which is an all time record for people signing up. Last year people didn’t start signing up till the week before it started. No head starts though fellas, can’t have one measure till the 1st of February!
On the bright side, we can tag out on doe and a spike till the 19th of January in the North Zone!