Kid shoots a whooping crane down in Aransas County, then turns himself in. Maybe they’ll let him harvest the meat…
Quail Unlimited is shutting down! Had no idea there was a Quail Unlimited, like Ducks Unlimited, but for Quail. When was the last time you have even seen a quail?
It is good to know more people are interested in hunting! The U.S. had been on a decline of hunters for the past 25 years.
Oklahoma House Approves Bill Allowing Helicopter Hog Hunting. I think this is already legal in Texas, but some people in Oklahoma are probably ready to try this…till they see the cost!
42 Coyotes, killed in a Predator Contest in Northern California, doesn’t seem like much compared to some of the contest hosted here in the great state of Texas, but this one had Predator and Coyote rights/activist all over it. And here is the story of one of the activist.
And here are some Turkey Hunting Tips. Since some of you that are entered in the contest might need some tips!