This is Kendall Jones! Make sure to go to her Support Page, https://www.facebook.com/supportkendall
If you don’t have a real gun when a robber breaks in, use a fake one! That is what this Pennsylvania resident did, and it seemed to work quite well!
With Deer Season creeping up on us, tips never hurt. Here is an article to help you in deciding where to place your deer stand.
YouTube video of people being saved by guns! INTENSE! I started sweating!
TPWD has the proposed dove/duck/migratory game bird seasons up for public comment. Looks good to me, just wish the seasons would get here a little quicker!
As I sit here searching for some Texas Hunting News, all that comes up is the Texas Tech Cheerleader that had an awesome time in Africa on a hunting safari and how she is being bullied. Liberals are such pansies… We stand behind cheerleaders, especially ones that hunt and fish!
If she this would have been in the headlines a couple of weeks ago I would have asked her to make an appearance that the NTX Wild Hog Round Up & Hunting Expo.
Best DIY Bow Hunting Destinations of 2014! I would do all 10 if I could…