We have been waiting for a couple months now to see our ugly faces on TV, but because of Covid/Corona, we are having to wait a couple of months. Real Sports with Bryant Gumble has been airing and discussing the delays in professional sports, which is taking top priority. So along with everything else being delayed in the good ol’ USA, it looks like our 30 seconds of fame may be delayed for a couple of more months.
Should we be bummed out? Absolutely not… there is no telling what little bits and pieces they could take apart from what all we conversed. Plus, I’m told we have an accent, which is going to make us sound more hick then normal. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t have an accent along with the rest of the fine people that participate in our contest.
Stay tuned to the last Tuesday of the month, because it is possible that this could be our episode… odds just are not there, but fingers crossed.
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