- It has happened!!! Jon Gabrio with Apex Advertising is starting to work on the reformation of this website to top notch! It will have a Forum, the blogs, photo gallery, and we will have merchandise! Check out Apex’s website and see some other things they have done.
- We will also be looking for some Forum Moderators as well as some hunting bloggers and hunting video enthusiasts, but we will keep you updated on that soon, but feel free to send me an e-mail if you are interested or have some ideas.
- The wife’s bow is done… and it is awesome! Once I pick it up I will post some before and after pictures. Now it is time for some new sights…
- Today is going to be a work day! Not the 9 to 5 kind of work day, but after work we are heading to the lease with a ladder, chainsaw, rope, and tree stand! I’m kind of nervous.
- Wife woke up Saturday morning and the first words out of her mouth were “Is my bow ready?”. Are we as men supposed to just know these things when we wake up in the morning? Cause I get asked these things quite a bit and always have to answer “I’m not sure, but I will let you know if I hear something.” and that ends the conversation.
- I didn’t know that if you are trying to capture a snake of the side of a road on a right of way you have to have a reptile and amphibian stamp (bottom of page) on your hunting license… it’s $10.
- I’m curious to see what new rules and regulations there are this year for waterfowl season. Something almost always changes. Last year, we could kill our limit in bluebills, but the year before I think we could only kill 2, and if you weren’t careful, a bluebill looks a lot like a ringneck. DUCK ID IS IMPORTANT!
- I’ve never hunted big water for ducks! Ever!
- Ladies, ladies, ladies… October 5th is Ladies Day Out at participating Cabelas and hopefully Fort Worth is a part of it. “The outdoor industry is all about the ladies these days, including major outdoor retailer Cabela’s. To celebrate the rapidly growing number of women pursuing the outdoors and shooting sports, some Cabela’s stores are hosting Ladies Day Out on October 5. The event promotes women’s outdoor apparel, camping gear, personal firearms and other equipment geared towards women. Classes taught by local experts will be offered free of charge. The first 100 women to check in at the retail store on Saturday will receive a commemorative gift, and all women can enjoy the shopping discounts and refreshments.”
- When is Men’s Day at Cabelas? Everyday maybe?
- You think that bird in the picture was having a rough day?

Walk it off buddy, it’ll buff out!
The State of Texas will probably charge a license fee to emit greenhouse gas on a public right of way next…
I think that hawk prefers the neck…
I’m beginning to wonder why the hawk left…did he get poked in the eye or what?