You have reached the official page of the Wise County Hog Hunting Contest, which is a contest not just for Wise County, but based here and is for all of Texas and Oklahoma. It is also a contest created by hunters, for the hunters. With the increase in hog population, we know this contest will help slow that increase and give everyone some incentive to help. Make sure you sign up below. If you have any questions regarding the sign up, please feel free to send us an e-mail. Thank you and happy hunting!
**Click Here For Past Winners**

13th Annual
Begins - February 1, 2025 // Ends - February 28, 2025
DEADLINE TO SIGN UP - Wednesday, January 25th at Midnight! ***$100 Late Fee Jan. 26th – 31st***
30% of Total Entry Fees
10% of Total Entry Fees
*Pot Percentages Subject to Change*
Details are in rules below!
~ Longest Cutter ~
*New* Closest to 225 lbs. *New*
~ Closest to 245 lbs. ~
~ Closest to 285 lbs. ~
~ Secret Weight ~
**subject to change before sign-ups begin**
- Buckles given to 1 - 3 Places and Sidepots
- $200 per 2 Man Team (Extra $100/teammate up to 4 Total)
- Free Giveaway Drawing to all contestants.
- Must call TRES to schedule a Weigh-In (Do not just show up!)
- Polygraph will be given to all winners!
Yes! We are doing a giveaway for everyone who enters the Wise County Hog Contest.
Just by entering, each team will have their name in the raffle drawing.
More items will be added as the sign ups continue.
30 Can Backpack

M35 Hard Cooler

LEGACY 6.5 Creedmoor

Banish 30 Gold Package

Solo 22 Suppressor

Sniper Hog Light

For Extra Entries Into The Giveaway...
You can purchase a 2025 WCHC shirt or donate to The Helluva Defense Family Fundraiser!
And every $10 spent in our Shop will get you an entry.

The Hardin Family needs a little help here in Wise County. He was recently told he needs a new kidney and we want to do our part to help out.
Can donate during sign-up below!
THG Headquarters
Tres Poynor
458 County Road 3225, Bridgeport, TX 76426
Trey Hawkins
Tres Poynor
War Horse Weapons
2812 W. US 380, Decatur, TX 76234
- In order to be eligible to win, hog must be weighed within 24 hours of the kill at a disclosed location in Wise County.
- You can only be on one team.
- Can be killed anywhere in the Great State of Texas, Oklahoma, or Arkansas (NEW FOR 2024) as long as it’s weighed within the 24 hour time allowed after kill. Follow all the laws, rules, and regulations of where you are hunting!
- No Barrow Hogs (Bar-d, barrowed, barred, etc.). All boars must have both testicles! And yes, this is a contest for biggest hog (sows and boars). Even though this is a given, boars for sidepots must have nuts too!
- Drones – Follow all federal and state rules/laws if using them. Information can be found here: TPWD DRONE INFO
- NO Trapping, NO Hog Dogs, NO Helicopters, & NO High Fence!
- For the purpose of this hunt, hogs are defined to be feral, free ranging, wild hogs which have not been previously held, trapped, pen raised, and released for the purpose of being hunted in this contest and must not have been hunted from a hog proof fence. They must have the characteristics of a wild hog. Domestic characteristics included. If we find any characteristics or word/evidence of any of these rules being broken, the game warden will be called to investigate.
- No Solicitation of Hogs or pooling of hogs! That also includes asking on social media, craigslist, etc., to give winnings if someone can put you on a big hog. NO SOLICITATION OF HOGS FOR THIS CONTEST! You will be immediately disqualified.
- The Hunting Game has the right to dissect any hog that makes the leaderboard during it’s weigh-in to search for any abnormalities that may hurt the integrity of this contest. We reserve the right to check your hog! So please don’t cheat.
- Polygraph will be given in order to receive prize money. The polygraph fee will come out of the winnings! If there is any discrepancy in the polygraph, there will be a vote between the 2 coordinators of the contest, a local game warden, and an outside party of what will be done.
- NO BS!!! We don’t want to hear if drama about other teams and bickering back and forth. If you have legitimate proof a team is cheating or a possibility, please let us know, but no need to keep calling every day.
- You can only win one place, not 2, or 3, etc* (Sidepots are separate and can be won with the placing in the weight division if you signed up for them)
In the event of a Tie: The one who weighed/measured their hog first will be the tie-breaking winner. - If a team/contestants received 1st place the previous contest year, then you must sit out the following year. *New Rule for 2023*
- The Hunting Game Contest Directors have the right to refuse any entry into the Wise County Hog Contest.
- Sign up above or in person before the contest starts
- All late sign ups will be online unless you are not computer savy!!! Late Sign Ups Start JANUARY 25th! Once contest starts, you will not be able to sign up… NO EXCEPTIONS! Sign up for email list below to stay updated with reminders of our contests.
- You can also sign up in person at War Horse Weapons in Decatur, Texas. The address is above.
- Every team member must sign a release of liability!
- Children are allowed on teams, as long as there is an adult on the team as well to assist them with their hunting. Please be responsible.
- If you are signing up late, you will have the late fee! No exceptions for anyone!!! So please don’t be late signing up.
- Once you sign up, there will be no refunds after the contest starts!
- Winners will receive a 1099 Income Tax Form during the following year. (Gotta pay the Man just like us)
- Friday, the 28th of February, is the last day to hunt for the 2025 Wise County Hog Contest. If you harvest a hog it must be before midnight. You must text us a picture of your pig before midnight that night in order to qualify for weigh-in on 1st of March. You still have 24 hours to weigh your hog. If you do not text a picture before midnight, you will not be weighing a hog. No exceptions.
- Weigh-In Location is at the home of Tres Poynor (Address & Number above). Please text him (preferred) or call before coming to schedule your weigh-in.
- DO NOT call in the middle of the night, please. Ideal time is from 7am – 10pm. Texting Tres best option, too.
- DO NOT just show up! We organize this contest as best as we can for everyone. We still have kids to take to school and jobs, so scheduling is very important.
- We will be using the scale we provide for every weigh-in. If yours shows different, we still go by our scale! Feel free to test it when you arrive.
- Each team will have 2 weigh-ins, $10 per weigh-in thereafter if your pig does not come anywhere close to the leaderboard. We are not here to compare scales, we are here to weigh hogs!
- Weight Sidepots ($40/each): First to weigh exact wins! At end of tournament, the closest to specified weight wins!
- Cutter Sidepot ($30): Longest Cutter at end of tournament wins!
- Secret Sidepot ($25): Undisclosed weight everyone has a chance to win! Weight will be chosen before contest starts, and given the day the contest begins! Closest Wins!
- **In event of a tie, the first to weigh/measure will be declared the winner!**
- **Depending on amount of side pot entries, there may be more than one place paid (80/20). We will decide as contest date gets closer.**
- How we measure the cutters:
- All winning contestants will be subject to a random polygraph test. Refusal of polygraph or failure to show up will result in immediate disqualification. No Exceptions!
- If we determine the need, all team members may be subject to polygraph to insure the integrity of the contest!
- Fee for polygraph will come out of the winnings.
- NEW FOR 2023: Polygraphs must be taken and W-9's sent to us within 2 weeks of contest ending or you will forfeit your winnings. All payouts will be mailed once everyone has taken the polygraph and passed and W-9's are received.
- A W-9 will be issued to any winners in the contest and must be filled out in order to receive your winnings. You should also expect a Form-1099 before they are due in the mail.
- If a team mate declines to accept winnings and prefers it to go to another team member, then an email will need to be sent to The Hunting Game stating that is your wishes.
- All winnings will be mailed within 7 days after all necessary polygraphs are taken for the team.
- *The Hunting Game will have final say so regarding any discrepancies during this contest. We run a clean contest and want to make sure it stays that way.
- Can our group split up to hunt? Absolutely!
- Can I be a one man team? Yes, but still $200 minimum sign up fee!
- Do we all have to hunt together? No! That is the benefit of having more team members.
- Can someone, not in the contest, be with us while we hunt? Yes, as long as they do not help you hunt in any way.
- Can someone else bring our hog we kill to the weigh-in? Nope... must be a member of your team, preferably the one who shot it.
- Who has to take the polygraph? The team member that shot the hog unless otherwise determined by the TD's!
- Can we weigh more that one hog? Of Course! Just don't bring hogs to be weighed that are not contenders once the bar is set.
- How many can be on a team? 2 - 4 Man teams ONLY!
- Can you hunt at feeders? Yes, you can hunt your hogs from feeders.
The normal deadline is over for the 2025 Wise County Hog Contest. Please contact Trey with any questions.
2022 - WCHC Contest Recap
SUBSCRIBE To Us on YouTube!
NOTICE: TheHuntingGame.com is looking for a clean contest. We have the right to clarify rules as we see fit before, during, or after the contest. We will have the final say. We don’t want any BS or any unethical procedures or practices that would break the integrity of this contest. If we see any of that is going on then we will have a discussion between ourselves, our local game warden, and our local wildlife biologist to discuss anything out of the ordinary and make any decisions together.