Seriously, what won’t a hog eat? I cannot think of one thing a hog won’t gobble up, besides its own droppings (maybe, maybe not). As I sat in the bow stand the other day, waiting on my sneaky boar to show up, I began to think of things I could put out that might attract this boar a little more. It didn’t take long after to name a handful of things before my mind switched gears and the topic changed to”What won’t they eat?”.
I already had this new Hog Cheese, which is fermented peanuts, poured in front of my game camera. THIS STUFF SMELLS HORRIBLE! You have to treat it like catfish punch bait… you don’t want to get it on your hands or they will smell for a week, but the hogs LOVE IT! I realized one thing while I was sitting 25 feet high, the worse it smells and tastes to us, the more the hogs like it!
I have tried many different things including donuts, diesel corn, strawberry jello with corn, soured corn, Hog Wild, and some other hog attractants, but I am contemplating and wondering what else may have worked for others that have tried to lower hog populations at their hunting grounds. I’m sure there are some off the wall recipes that I dare to touch with a 10 foot pole, but it still should make for an interesting discussion.
Feel free to share what you have used, especially if is out of the ordinary…
-Trey H.